Uplifting the Election

Many people were stunned by the recent election results in our nation.  I was one of those people.

I realized that I was in a deep state of shock and grief.  The results, to me, were unthinkable. How did this happen?  I wondered how the American people could elect someone who is in unqualified for the office.

In my search for support I sought the wise council of one of my mentors and colleagues, Dr. Bernie Siegel MD.  Bernie is the author of the well known books, “Love, Medicine and Miracles”, “Peace, Love and Healing” and many other beautiful books on healing.

I told Bernie of my shock and grief.  I told him that I was worried about the future for myself, our nation and the world.  I asked him how those of us who were for a different candidate than the one who was elected can manage the extreme pain and anguish we feel about the results of this Presidential Election. I told him that many people are stressed, worried and in absolute shock.  Knowing that these reactions take a toll on our minds, bodies and souls, I asked him for any advice or input he could give.

In Bernie’s infinite wisdom he immediately replied:

Don’t waste time worrying
use your time enhancing life for others and yourself
we are all part of the greater consciousness so send donald your love”
Send Donald your Love.
Bernie Siegel once again lifted what many may consider a traumatic life circumstance up into the Highest. A great Spiritual Teaching from a wise teacher.  “Send Love”.
I believe that each one of us can lift up this election into the Light into the Highest and transcend our hurt and pain into Love.
Can we begin to embrace that which we have been given?  Can we bring Love to this situation? Can we send Love to Donald?
Certainly it will heal us to rise above our stress and worry and find that place of Love that brings Peace to ourselves and to the World.
Om Tat Sat