Have you ever wondered why we are here on this Earth?

Can it be that we are here for more than just getting an education so we can then find a good job to support ourselves and our family?  Are we here to be a parent,  a Mother, Father or a Child? Grandfather or Grandmother? Aunt, Uncle or Cousin?   Are we here to be a Doctor, Nurse, Engineer, Teacher or Scientist?

Could it be that our purpose here on Earth is something more than just the day to day responsibilities and challenges in life we all have?

When we step back from the busy schedules and myriad activities we have each chosen for ourselves and begin to look at our lives from a different perspective, can we see that there may be a greater reason for taking birth on this Earth plane?

What could our purpose be for being on Earth?

This is the question of our lifetime. A question so important that it cannot be ignored or pushed aside.

I think that if each person will look deeply inside them-self they might find the answer, an important answer that will take them to a higher plane of existence, to a greater realm of existence,  to that of their Higher Self, to their own ENLIGHTENMENT.

Om Tat Sat