Higher Awareness

Have you ever heard the idea that others could read your mind?  And not only read your mind but have Awareness of all your thoughts, words and actions that have ever occurred in your life?

I have had direct experience that this level of Awareness exists.

It is a level beyond this dimension, this outer reality we call the world.

It is a level of Higher Awareness, higher dimensions of Consciousness that exist every moment.  This level is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

The key to finding this level, in my experience, is to meditate, work with the light, stay on the Spiritual Path and most importantly, spend time with those who are already living in this state of Higher Awareness.

It is said that even to learn to tie one’s shoes, one needs a teacher.  To learn to swim, we need a teacher.  To learn to read and write we seek a teacher. To get to our destination while traveling we need a road map.

To find your own Higher Awareness, your own Enlightenment, seek the ones who are already Enlightened.

Only those who are fully Awake can Awaken another.

Om Tat Sat